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Groomers Bite Register

21 Jul 2023 6:20 PM | BIGA Admin (Administrator)

Dog and Cat bites - Just part of the job?

Bites sustained by groomers are rarely recorded or even publicised outside of the grooming community, yet injuries can lead to periods of absence from work or even cause groomers to leave the industry.

BIGA has created the British Isles register of dog and cat bites occurring within pet grooming businesses. You don’t have to be a member of BIGA (although we’d love to have you on board). If you have been bitten whilst working, please record your information on the form.

The register will be open for future occurrences and the collated data will tell us the extent of the issue. We will be able to see if there are certain breeds, or ages, or health conditions that make pets more likely to bite. We can note warning signs and steps to be taken when those signs are exhibited. We will even be able to cross-check the register to see if an animal has shown previous signs of aggression, given the appropriate level of detail. This will be helpful in cases of litigation.

For further details - link to webpage:

Record your bite experiences - register is open to members and non-members.

Dog Bite Register:

Cat Bite Register:

The British Isles Grooming Association (BIGA)

A Not-for-Profit Trade Association and Community Support Network

 Registered at St. George’s House, 14 George Street, Huntingdon, Cambs. PE29 3GH. Reg. No. 10085801

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